All of these devices at one time have run the latest and
greatest versions of Android, but since Android is a fast evolving animal it
always seems you are out of date.
I have been running Froyo , Ginger Bread and Honeycomb but come December 2011 Google’s Android again
evolved and Ice Cream Sandwich was born a unification of Honeycomb and Ginger
Bread that brought together both the phone and tablet OS in to a one size fits
all release.
The first device to use this latest incarnation is of course
the Nexus Galaxy a naked Android phone made by Samsung but directed by Google
the creators of the beast that is Android an introduction to the newest member of the OS family a Google’s
platform preview vehicle if you will.
But and yes but being a truly naked install there is a
another phone that you can instantly update to this latest and greatest release
and that is the Nexus S , the former incarnation of Google’s platform preview
So if want Ice Cream Sandwich on your Samsung Nexus S but don't
want to wait on the update to push out over the air?
This is for the GSM version only :
*Rename it to update.zip.
*Copy it over to the internal storage on your Nexus S.
*Power off, then hold volume up and power to reboot to the
*Using the volume key to navigate, select recovery, then use
the power button to confirm
*When you see the warning triangle and arrow, hold the power
button and tap volume up. You'll see a
*From the menu, select "apply update from /sdcard",
and choose update.zip from the list.
*When finished, choose
"reboot system now"